You can now see this text because you clicked on the page. If you just look at the blog post list, you can’t see this.
The other post that says “Hello world!” was already here when I started. I’m not counting that as a post I wrote. I want to write a post to see what it will look like on the Blog page.
Paragraph blocks
If I hit enter, it makes a new paragraph block. I couldn’t find paragraph because it was the default.
But if I hit shift+enter, then it goes to the next line in the same block.
I can just start typing and it’s already a paragraph. But this isn’t. This is a quote. Who am I quoting? It’s me.
Duck picture
I can put the duck picture inside my post.
I put a filter on the picture because the option was there. Pretty cool! It’s centered.
I think this is enough as a test.